Diversify With Gold

Public Gold Singapore

What is PGG100Network?

By Naresh G

January 8, 2022

diversify with gold, g100, public gold

While you are scrolling thru your Facebook page, the chances are that you would come across posts that have PGG100Network on them. This can be also represented in hashtags like #pgg100network.

But what is it though?

If you insist to know – PGG100 Network is the fastest-growing group of gold savers in the region. And as you might have guessed, all these gold savers have experienced the benefits of gold savings with Public Gold. Collectively, there are about 200,000 gold savers under this network alone.

what is pgg100network
Snapshot from the G100 website

Is G100 Network part of Public Gold?

Previously, I spoke about how Public Gold is not a scam by highlighting the features and key information about the company. If you haven’t read it, kindly ln the following link:https://diversifywithgold.com/gold-savings-related/is-public-gold-a-scam/

Now that you know how credible Public Gold is, the next thing you might be interested in is the active groups under Public Gold. And that’s where PGG100 Network comes in. This group is founded by my Gold Mentor, Mr Zulkifli Shafie. He has his own blog which can be accessed as follow:


I got to know Public Gold from his works, to be honest. And I joined this network of like-minded individuals where we understand the importance of gold as part of our financial portfolio. You would be surprised to see that this network consists of people from various backgrounds. Some are teachers, engineers, professional officers, doctors, graduates, home-makers and the list goes on. What’s my point here?

My point is, there is no restriction on who can join this network of knowledgeable gold savers. If you are interested to know more about them, we have a separate website that can be accessed as follow:

What is the mission of PGG100 Network?

So, what is their mission? Are they some people who came up with this group for fun?

The short answer is no. PGG100 Network was first initiated with the objective of producing 100 Master Dealers which was Mr Zulkifli’s dream when he began his journey of educating the public about gold savings. Has he achieved that dream? What do you think?

Of course, he has. Now he has expanded his dream to continue spreading the benefits of gold with the aim of producing 1000 Master Dealers by 2024. I certainly wish to be part of that inner circle.

Why is that?

Because helping people out there to strengthen their finances is indeed a fulfilling duty. When we improve one’s financial condition, the ripple effect would lead to new generations that are financially competent.

Now, PGG100 Network is determined to continue educating the public on the right financial and gold-related knowledge so that they have sufficient savings, are free from bad debts and subsequently attain financial freedom.

The big question is – do you want to be part of this group? By the way, did I mention the fees involved to be part of this giant network?

I did not because it is free. All you have to do is join our circle of educated gold savers by registering for a free account under one of the G100 dealers. I am one of them and I will be glad to help you out. Connect with via WhatsApp for further arrangement here: http://nak.la/wachatng.

Join us in this big family of G100 Network.

Talk to you soon.

Your Priority Gold Mentor,

Naresh G

Naresh G

About the author

An avid gold saver since 2018, upon reading two thought-provoking books by my Mentor Mr Zulkifli Shafie. Decided to start this initiative to share my experiences regarding financial literacy and how I improve my investment portfolio with gold. Hope my experiences can help readers out there to make informed decisions.

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