Diversify With Gold

Public Gold Singapore

why need to save gold

Why do we need to save gold?

By Naresh G

January 19, 2022

diversify with gold, g100, public gold

Tell me why we need to save gold!

In short – there are six reasons to do so.

To be honest, allocating gold as an alternative saving is not something new. As we all know, the gold price will keep appreciating over a long time.

This is one reason why gold is always sought after.

But apart from this, are there different reasons to do so?

The answer is Yes!

1. Protection

Every time we complain about the price of goods/services getting higher, the underlying reason is none other than inflation. Inflation causes our purchasing power to decrease. Hence, we need to protect our savings from being eaten away by inflation.

For decades, gold has been a well-recognised medium that is inflation-proof. So, keeping our long term savings as gold will protect the purchasing power.

An interesting article on the impact of inflation can be found here: https://www.reuters.com/business/energy/outlooks-commodity-sectors-2022-2021-12-20/

2. Easily liquidated

When we save in the form of gold, we indirectly create a habit with a target in mind. When the target is achieved, the gold savings can be liquidated to serve our intended purposes. The demand for gold will keep increasing especially by gold jewellery shops, gold pawn shops and of course, among the gold savers.

3. Gold can be served as business capital

For business people, gold can be leveraged as business capital. When they need urgent cash, they can easily be pledged at Ar-Rahnu centres.

 Once they are done with their plans, we can claim our gold and keep it for future use. Most importantly, the money is kept in a better form than money, which is gold.

4. Gold is an affordable and mobile asset

Gold is categorised as a mobile asset. It is known to withstand uncertainties such as natural disasters or when compared against other forms of assets such as property, real estate, etc. Plus, owning gold does not require big capital nowadays as we can get it with a minimal budget of RM100, hence making it very affordable.

5. We can manage our own asset without third party’s interference

We buy gold and manage it ourselves as our assets. This is much convincing as compared to being managed by a third party. We can either keep it at home, in safety deposit boxes and they are readily available when needed.

In short, when we save gold, our wealth is essentially in our hands.

6. Gold lasts longer than money

It has been proven time and time again that gold lasts longer than money. Our nature with gold is to save while with money, our nature is to spend them.

As we save gold, our tendency to spend the money away is unlikely to happen. Plus, our gold savings will keep increasing along the way.

In conclusion, gold is very useful to save for the future of our family for the reasons mentioned above.

Hey Naresh! Im interested to know more. Where can I get more info like this ya?

For further info, kindly consider joining my Telegram channel, where I share my knowledge from my mentor, Tuan Mohd Zulkifli Shafie. Joining the channel is free - click the following link: https://t.me/diversifywithgold

Also, I have a free ebook gift for you. Download it here: https://bit.ly/3JVTeq6

When you are with Public Gold, we take good care of you!

Talk to you soon!

Naresh G

Original post: https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=4623372644354153&id=100000443882826p

Naresh G

About the author

An avid gold saver since 2018, upon reading two thought-provoking books by my Mentor Mr Zulkifli Shafie. Decided to start this initiative to share my experiences regarding financial literacy and how I improve my investment portfolio with gold. Hope my experiences can help readers out there to make informed decisions.

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