Diversify With Gold

Public Gold Singapore

How does gold work as money charm

How does gold work as money charm?

By Naresh G

April 1, 2022

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How does gold work as money charm?

First, we have to admit that each of us is unique in our ways. This uniqueness can be seen in every aspect of our life, including in gold savings. I came across an individual’s perception of gold as a ‘money charm’. You must be wondering, what is ‘money charm,’ am I right?

We keep money in our wallets or purses, and doing so would give a sense of confidence and optimism. When we have gold in our wallets or purse and know that gold is essentially money (just present in a different form), we can feel a different sense of confidence.  The sense of confidence will still be there when our wallet or purse is empty. We would feel optimistic about going through our daily life!

Reminder from 'Mahaguru Emas'

Who would have thought that gold could be used as a self-motivator by keeping it in our wallet or purse? This reminds me of advice from my Mentor in gold savings. This advice is the following tips shared by Tuan Syukor Hashim, a prominent gold savings/investment figure in Malaysia. He advocates for gold savers to have a 5-gram gold bar (which looks like an ATM card) in their wallet or purse. In addition to having the gold bar like an ATM card, this item is worth approximately RM 1500, and it is easy to carry around. This ‘money’ would not be spent away, unlike the cash, which indirectly motivates us to keep saving gold.

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Easy way to start gold savings can be found here: Gold Accumulation Program

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Hope you find it useful.

Your buddy on gold investing,

Naresh G

Naresh G

About the author

An avid gold saver since 2018, upon reading two thought-provoking books by my Mentor Mr Zulkifli Shafie. Decided to start this initiative to share my experiences regarding financial literacy and how I improve my investment portfolio with gold. Hope my experiences can help readers out there to make informed decisions.

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